I created this space not only for you, but also for me. When I first started my wellness journey, I wanted so badly to see the face of someone who looked like me. Someone who had the same desires, goals, passions, style, and morals as me. I wanted to find her. I wanted her to inspire me. I wanted to binge-watch all of her videos and obsess over her blog content. I needed it so badly. If I needed her so badly, I figured there were other beautiful beings who needed her just as bad as I did. So, I became her. For you. For me. For us.
Plant based eating is such an important part of my life. It ended my life-long struggle with chronic digestive issues. It has taught me to listen to my body. I’ve learned to create flavorful meals from whole plant foods and share them with the humans that I love. It has taught me to be more conscious and intentional with my time, my energy, and my actions. Through intuitive and mindful eating, I’ve learned to just be. And do.
My intention for mindfulness began a few years ago when my mental health was at an all-time low. Through the practice of meditation in the forms of painting, yoga, exercise, cooking, and breathwork, I am slowly evolving and tapping in with my true inner self, ultimately self-actualizing.
For you. Plant based princess is a space where you can feel free. A space where you can be yourself in all of your weirdness & unique glory. A space where you aren’t judged for being who you truly and authentically are. A space where you’ll feel included. A space where you can be inspired and not “influenced.” A space where you’ll feel good about yourself after you’ve left. A space where you’ll grow. A space where you’ll always come back to. This space is your home. Welcome home. I appreciate you for being here.